Corgi Brings News Updates To Your Lock Screen

Corgi for Feedly lets you read news directly on your lock screen saving a lot of times for the news junkies who unlock the phone just to read the latest news. The application is offered by Corgi and is available in the Google Play Store for Free with no In-app purchases.

How many times in a day you unlock your phone, open your news app and wait for it to load just to read the latest news that you've missed in the last few hours? Corgi for Feedly can be a time saver and saves you all the hassle.

The user can choose Feed view or Magazine view. Feed view gives an overview of all the articles while Magazine view let you go through the stories one after the other.

Corgi Feed View
Corgi Feed View
Corgi Magazine View
Corgi Magazine View
You can sign in to Feedly for personalized news feeds and sign into Instagram for customized wallpapers.

To secure the phone from unauthorized entry, the user can set a PIN, Patterns and Fingerprint for the supported devices. You will have all the flexibility you would get using a default lock screen like controlling music.

Great day Reader. To get more insights into the application and its development, I've contacted Stanislav Dimitriev, co-founder & CMO. Here are the Q&A solely for our readers.

1. Tell us about the team?
We are currently a team of 3, located all over the world. Currently, our CTO Sergey Varichev is in Mysore, India, CEO Andrey is in Novosibirsk Russia and I'm (CMO, Stanislav) located in Panama City, Panama. Our team is very user feedback based, and we try to develop our solutions with a lean methodology. There is a great article regarding our team, link - Unfortunately, Artem, one of our team members had to postpone his collaboration due to personal reasons.

2. What was your inspiration that leads to the creation of Corgi?
We've started working on this project back in the beginning of February 2014. The idea behind it was quite simple, "There are so many things happening in the world, that it's really hard to follow up on everything and make sure that you are up to date", we wanted to bring this experience for granted. So we started thinking, what is the best play to catch person's attention seamlessly. What we found out is that people would on average turn ON their phones ~110 times a day and that when we figured that a lock screen would probably be that best framework for such product. And so we started developing it.
3. What was the biggest challenge faced while developing Corgi?
Creating a lock screen itself is quite of a tricky challenge. The main problem of such app development is that there is no real guide to how to make it work. So it's pretty much a Research & Development project. Since you have to figure everything out by yourself. Optimizing the animations, making sure that it doesn't consume much performance and data while idle (to keep the battery low usage), making sure that the lock screen is secure, figuring a fingerprint sensor workaround. So many small and major things that required our attention.

4. What features can be expected in the upcoming updates?
We will be adding live wallpapers soon, hopefully, this week (Get a new beautiful lock screen background picture, every day). Our next milestone is to add Twitter Feed to the lock screen, Easy to access app drawer. Our big goal is to add AI/Machine Learning behind all of this, to make a truly smart, personal, content based lock screen.

5. Is there anything else you want to tell our readers?
If you would like to become an active contributor for Corgi, we'd highly appreciate if you'd join our Google+ community of beta testers -

Corgi is a new and simple way to stay updated on what is happening in your world. No need to open an app and wait for it to load, all of your favorite content is available at a glance instantly. All comes in a beautiful Stock Android M style and expands its functionality.

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