Change Snackbar Position When Bottom App Bar or Bottom Navigation View Is Present

The SnackBar is mainly used to provide feedback to the user and it is shown at the bottom of the screen. This UI element is used alongside Toast or as a replacement in some application. We typically show snack message as follows. // Show snack message Snackbar.make(binding.coordinatorLayout, message, LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); This works well as long as the screen does not contain the Bottom App Bar or the Bottom Navigation View. When we have the specified elements the Snack Message overlaps on the Bottom App Bar or ends up behind the Bottom Navigation View. This behavior is shown in the images below. To avoid such behavior we need to use setAnchorView method and pass id of a view. The Snack Message is shown on top of the view element with the specified id. // Show snack message Snackbar.make(binding.coordinatorLayout, message, LENGTH_SHORT) .setAnchorView(binding.fab) .show(); Similarly, when Bottom Navigation View or Floating Action Bu...