How to Create an Emulator in Android Studio

In this article, we will take a look at how to create an emulator in Android Studio.

First, open Android Studio to create a project or open an existing project. Now, Click on the Tools in the top menu and then on AVD Manager.

android emulator tools avd manager

This opens the Android Virtual Device Manager where we can create our emulators.

android emulator create avd option

Start the creation of the emulator by clicking on the Create Virtual Device button. It opens a new screen where we select the device hardware.

android emulator device hardware

In addition to the available hardware profiles, we can import an existing profile or create new hardware by clicking on the options at the bottom left.

android emulator new hardware profie

Click Next after selecting the hardware profile. Now we are asked to select the OS Version. Select the preferred one and download it if necessary. After that, click Next.

android emulator accept licence


android emulator os version

Verify the configuration of the selected hardware. If we want to tweak more than the AVD name then in the advanced settings we can change the number of cores, RAM, internal Storage space, external storage space and more.

android emulator verify config

Finally, click Finish to create the emulator and the created one is shown in the list.

android emulator list devices

Start the emulator by clicking on the play arrow and as soon as it is started we can install the applications to test.

android emulator cold start

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